I made this weblog (blog) arigetas.com on 28th July 2015 and install WP Statistic ver 9.4.1 plugin. After 48 hours, I am surprised that most of my blog visitor based on GeoIP database is from United States of America (52%). Visitor from Indonesia (22.7%), Thailand (16.3%), France (2%), China (2 %), and each 1 % from Singapore, Russia, Japan, United Kingdom and unidentified.
I am happy and (definitely) curious, because I only do blog-walking to several Indonesian blog and 3-4 times post my blog link to my Facebook account. I only made 5 post using “bahasa Indonesia” instead of English. So, I assume that many visitors from USA find my blog because of my tag on every posts. I study in Prince of Songkla University (PSU) in Thailand, so almost every post I use tag “PSU”. After I googling, in USA there is Penn State University and the abbreviation is also PSU. Hmm, interesting!
Okay, after knowing about that, I decide to regularly post in my blog using English so i also can share with international visitor. Please keep in mind if I still learn how to speak and write English in a proper grammar.
So, if you have any suggestion, please write in comments form
Thank you 🙂
Wow… consistently blogging in English? It is one of the thing I really need to do more. 😀
It is fascinating reading the keywords source, right?
sort of it 🙂